
If we would all speak the same language, global communication would be much easier. Since the tower of Babel, however, global communication has been full of hurdles. Luckily after inventing language, God invented the interpreter...

We see it all the time: people are speaking the same language and yet they misunderstand each other, or even worse, don’t understand each other at all and end up frustrated. Try to avoid this and rely on the competence of a professional. Just as people come to you because you know what you’re doing, it is best for you to rely on an interpreter to formulate your message in a different language. Everyone can translate words, but in order to convey a message right, it is important to weigh those words carefully, especially if much is at stake.

Simultaneous translation

Many think it is astounding. It is unnatural, but because you need us to, we do it anyway: listen and speak at the same time. Obviously with a few seconds delay in order to fully understand your message, but your audience can hear what you are saying in its own language and understands perfectly what you are talking about, all without misunderstandings and loss of time.

Consecutive translation

You give your explanation and immediately afterwards the interpreter renders that same explanation in a different language. It is not as fast as simultaneous translation, nonetheless ideal for locations where a simultaneous installation is not possible, for example during guided tours or in private conversations.


This is whispered interpretation and ideal for meetings in which there are only one or two guests who do not understand the language of the meeting. The interpreter sits right next to them and translates in a soft voice only for his clients, without interrupting the meeting and without loss of time.

Liaison interpreter

Sometimes you need to go abroad or a colleague comes to your country. Both of you have no gain in learning another language, so just take along an interpreter to assure that communication runs smoothly

Going abroad?

Does your meeting or negotiation take place abroad? Just take your interpreters with you and be sure of good quality interpretation.



Filip Roeland Vergara
Freelance Conference Interpreter - Translator
Br. de Saedeleerstraat 54a, B-9340 Lede
BE 0829.552.413